How to overcome the aftereffects of the pandemic with ozone therapy
The post-Covid syndrome is quite common in those who have recovered from Covid but who continue to have symptoms characterized by:
- severe tiredness
- headache, dizziness
- concentration and memory disorders (brain fog)
- diffuse pain, especially muscle and joint pain
- small fiber neuropathies
- breathlessness
- gastrointestinal disorders
- respiratory disorders
- chest pain
- sleep disorders
The virus attacks the immune system, bringing symptoms similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or depressive forms. Long Covid, according to the researchers of a recent study by the University of Waterloo, is linked to a reduced absorption of oxygen in the brain and the lack of sufficient oxygen supply may be one of the mechanisms that cause brain fog, cognitive problems and an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Systemic ozone therapy: an excellent ally to help all people who have experienced this disease and suffered lung, vascular, immune and neuronal damage. Systemic ozone therapy exploits the capacities of oxygen and ozone on the human body at the metabolic, immune, vascular and regenerative levels to restore balance and thus return to a new normal with decisive results.
What is ozone therapy for?
- Reducing tiredness and improving performance
- Reduction to the point of disappearance of headache and vertigo
- Increased ability to concentrate
- Reduction to the point of disappearance of diffuse pain
- Improving breathing
- Restoration of gastrointestinal function
- Improving sleep quality